Maria CalvertUNION, Mo. – Spring can be a great time to hit reset in multiple facets of life. Many think about cleaning up a messy space in their home or refreshing their natural spaces. Spring cleaning isn’t just for your home but also can be for your mind, body and spirit.
• Create a list of short- and long-term goals and prioritize them.
• Step away from old habits that are no longer serving you well. Write them down, think about how they affect you and your mental health, and consider what new habits could have a more positive impact.
• Identify what beneficial habits you have and how you can continue to spend time on those things.
• Build space to be creative. Explore the world around you – in nature, in art, in personal connections or wherever you find joy.
• Sweep away self-criticism. Remind yourself that life is about progress, not perfection.
• Get moving. One key to maintaining better mental health resides in good physical health. Find big or small ways to incorporate more movement into your everyday routine, like getting up and stretching between meetings or during the commercial break of your favorite show.
For more information on MU Extension and its programs, contact your local MU Extension center or visit https://extension.missouri.edu.
Adapted from Spring Cleaning Tips (Purdue University Extension) and Spring Cleaning for Your Mental Health (Jefferson Center).
Maria Calvert is an MU Extension field specialist in human development serving the counties of Crawford, Franklin, Gasconade, Lincoln, Montgomery, St. Francois, Ste. Genevieve, Warren and Washington.