Diamond Line Undergraduate Literary Magazine Releases Issue 9, Seeks Submissions for Issue 10

The cover of Issue 9 of The Diamond Line.
Photo Submitted

The cover of Issue 9 of The Diamond Line.

The Diamond Line undergraduate literary magazine is a student-run publication and the product of the course English 3903, Literary Magazine Production. Issue 9, produced in the spring 2024 semester, is now available online!

The magazine's website, produced by members of the spring 2024 class, features previous issues, information on the staff and guidelines to submit work.

The Diamond Line is currently seeking submissions of original fiction (including flash and creative non-fiction), poetry, drama and visual art for Issue 10.

The magazine intends to showcase the original creative work of U of A undergraduate students. Students may email submissions to litmag@uark.edu. Submissions will be reviewed by the editorial staff, and submitters can expect a decision by late fall 2024.

Simultaneous submissions are permitted; however, it is imperative to notify the editorial staff if your piece is accepted elsewhere.

See thediamondline.uark.edu for more information.

Submission guidelines:

  • Submitters should include their last name and the genre of their work in the email subject line. Example: student last name_poetry submission.
  • Poetry packets may include up to three poems (should not exceed 12 pages).
  • Fiction is limited to 3,000 words.
  • Visual art should be submitted in the form of a scanned copy or a high-resolution photograph.
  • Students should attach their name, student ID number and a brief cover letter to their submissions.

Jane Blunschi, assistant director, M.F.A. Program in Creative Writing and Translation
Department of English
337-849-4183, mfa@uark.edu


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