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World Alliance of International Financial Centers launches paper entitled "Women in Finance-Compendium of Good Practice"

Women in Finance paper

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The paper is more focused on boosting performance, encouraging innovation, and approaching problem-solving from diverse and enriched perspectives.

By acknowledging female leadership and fostering gender diversity, we can unlock a wealth of benefits that will propel our industry forward
— Lamia Merzouki, Vice Chair of the Board of Directors, WAIFC
BRUSSELS, BELGIUM, June 3, 2024 / -- The World Alliance of International Financial Centers (WAIFC), in collaboration with members, today released a whitepaper entitled “Women in Finance - Compendium of Good Practice”.

The paper suggests where research and case studies highlight the benefits that gender diversity brings to organizations, it goes beyond fairness and equality and more into boosting performance, encouraging innovation, and approaching problem-solving from diverse and enriched perspectives. By embracing gender diversity, financial institutions can unlock an untapped potential, driving growth and resilience in an ever-evolving market landscape.

The importance of female leadership and participation in finance cannot be overstated. Representation at all levels of decision-making not only ensures a more equitable workplace but also reflects the diverse clientele that these institutions serve. In doing so, products and services can be created that are more inclusive, catering to a broader spectrum of needs and preferences.

WAIFC is keen to support financial centers become leading examples in terms of gender diversity. Collaborating globally, efforts to build an inclusive and more sustainable future can be accelerated. In Oct 2023, members signed up to the gender pledge, reflecting their aspirations, focusing on increasing the presence of women at all levels within their jurisdictions.

The paper serves as a compendium of good practices and as a call to action for all members of the financial ecosystem to actively participate in fostering an environment where women can develop through targeted initiatives such as equal representation on boards & committees, equal composition of conferences and panels, and a mentoring guideline.

Commenting on the publication, Lamia Merzouki Vice Chair of the Board of Directors, WAIFC stated:
“At WAIFC we aim to break the barriers historically hindering women's progress in the financial sector. By acknowledging female leadership and fostering gender diversity, we can unlock a wealth of benefits that will propel our industry forward. The time for action is now, and together, through our collective efforts and commitments, we can create financial ecosystems that are not only more equitable but also more innovative, resilient, and prosperous for all”.

Nicola Watkinson, Managing Director, International, TheCityUK (coordinator of the paper) quotes:
“Talent is the key to our industry’s future innovation and success so it is vital it can attract and retain women at all levels of the organisation. This paper provides useful practical guidance for how to achieve this”.

You can download the whitepaper here

Abdulrahim Osman
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