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A community united last week as PCC’s clubs came together to celebrate everyone’s differences and interests in one big bash. From teaching people new cultures, to helping them out with extracurricular activities, these groups offer a variety of ventures for everyone to partake in. And just in case you missed the event, here’s a list of clubs explaining what they do, meeting times, and social media.

ASL CLUB | First Tuesday 12–1 of every month, and the third Friday of every month, 6–8 | Instagram: @pccaslclub | Discord

The ASL club is an American Sign Language club on PCC primarily focused on allowing people a chance to learn more about deaf culture and the deaf community at large. You can find information about meetings via their club Instagram.

“If you’re interested in joining our club, I would say come if you want to learn anything about Deaf culture, if it’s a world that you’ve never immersed yourself in, it’s very fascinating to learn about,” Tyler Braggins Vice President said. “We’ll teach you how to introduce yourself, how to sign your name, basic signs like that. And get a chance to meet a very nice and cool community.”

Alpha, Gamma, Sigma (AGS) | Every Tuesday for the board and Thursday for the general members 12- 1pm, R518 | Instagram: @agspcc | Discord

AGS is an honor society that offers volunteering opportunities, scholarships, and transcript notations. Along with assisting students with their goals, they help build social and professional networks. The overall focus is to enrich students with experiences that represent their motto: ‘Excellence, Knowledge, and Wisdom’.

“We’re here to basically consolidate your transfer, because we offer notations on your transcript,” corresponding secretary John Chammas said. “So if you complete a certain amount of hours by the end of the semester, you’ll get it and then other universities, colleges will recognize that, and you’ll see it, and hopefully they’ll find a niche.”

“My main role is to just participate in volunteer opportunities to both help like the PCC community, but also like the general Pasadena or Los Angeles community,” general member Mary Pomroy explained. “So what I’ve been involved in is volunteer opportunities at the Rose Bowl to sell brochures. I also helped with one of our booths at the PCC flea market, and then I also helped provide Christmas gifts to low income students and children in the past few days”.

Anime J-Culture Club | Every Thursday 5-6pm, CA-109 | Instagram: @pcc_animejcultureclub

The Anime J-Culture Club is all about bonding with others over peoples’ favorite animes and manga, as well as Japanese culture. Their recurring event is manga swaps, where they exchange Japanese comics and sometimes character figures with one another.

Business Entrepreneur Technology Club | Every Thursday 12- 1pm, R Building Room 115 | Instagram: | Discord

The Business Entrepreneurship, Technology Club, or the B.E.T Club teaches students how to take their first steps into entrepreneurship by helping to develop skills integral to business such as self-confidence, personal development, and time management. Along with aiding people who do have businesses via helping them scale that business, teaching them digital marketing, physical marketing, networking sales and providing a lot of networking opportunities too for different students. 

“This is a good place to find different people who are also down and make a new business together or potential clients.” Said Ethan Tran, BET club president.

Christians on Campus | Every Tuesday 1:15 to 2pm, R 220 | Instagram: @pcc.coc

Christians on Campus is a club that helps students realize and participate in the eternal purpose of God as revealed in the Bible. During weekly club meetings, the club sings hymns together, followed by Bible study, after which they discuss understanding of the truth and how it applies to their daily lives.

Creative Writing Club | Every Monday 4-5pm, C-257 | Instagram: @pcccreativewritingclub

Creative Writing Club provides an enriching environment for all writers who want to share their work, be inspired by other writers, or simply get feedback on their writing. The club also has their own publication and accepts all submissions. Their goal is to help others improve their writing skills and get great networking opportunities for their writers. 

“We give people space to share their work and get feedback, just to get comfortable,” said club president Monet Ayala-Mitchell. “We want people to be able to get their work out there. We offer a creative space to learn from each other and be inspired by each other.” 

DANA Club | Tuesdays 12-1pm, E-205 | Instagram: @pccdanaclub

The DANA Club is the geoscience club on campus. They specialize in on-site geological research, welcoming everyone who is interested in learning more about rocks and geology, and even go on club field trips. This semester, the club plans on heading to Sedona, Arizona for their next geological excursion.

“We hope to spread our geoscience love with everyone on campus,” said vice president Audrey Gonzalez. “If you like the outdoors, if you like rocks, if you like dinosaurs, if you like minerals, we have everything under the sun. Geology is very interdisciplinary, so anyone from biologists to business majors can find their place here.” 

Film Club | Tuesdays 12-1pm, R115 | Instagram: @pccfilmclub | Discord

PCC Film Club considers themselves a fun and inviting environment not just socially, but creatively to talk all about film. They invite industry professionals to come in to guest speak like set designer De Govia, most famous from his work on Die Hard.

The Courier wrote a feature talking to the Film Club last fall, you can read it here.

International InterVarsity Christian Fellowship | Thursdays at the Lawn* | Instagram: @ICFSanGabriel

Welcoming international students to help them settle into a new country and find friends and community, through fun activities. They consider their club a “no pressure” Bible study aiming to create an open space for Christians and non-Christians to discover God and Jesus through community, prayer and Bible study. 

“We use the Bible to share our life experiences,” said group leader Eric.

Latin American Scholar Society | Last Tuesday of the month 12-1pm, C Building Room C257 | Instagram: @LATAMScholarSociety

Latin American Scholar Society is a club to help Latin American scholars to find scholarships and opportunities as well as connect with each other and build a community.

“A space for Latin American scholars to join a community for like-minded people and find scholarship opportunities!” said president Vicky.

Muslim Student Association (MSA) | Tuesdays 12-1pm, C-257

Recently founded, MSA’s goal is to build a community dedicated to expanding their Islam knowledge through conversations, celebrations, and events.

“We welcome everyone, you don’t have to be Muslim to join our club,” said club secretary Saif Halari.

Two upcoming events the MSA will be hosting are conversation on the understanding of Ramadan and Islamic trivia along with free snacks and a safe space to socialize for all students.

NextGen Club | Thursdays 12-1pm | Instagram: @nextgenfbla

The NextGen club is for aspiring business leaders looking to develop and achieve skills in business. The club focuses on challenging, developing, and inspiring students to seek futures in any business field through events and programs. Events include self development keynote speakers, workshops, and networking events. There are multiple opportunities for students with an interest to meet and connect with small and large business personals, so now is the opportunity to create something new!

Philosophy Club | Thursday 12-1pm, C-310 | Instagram: @pccphilosophyclub 

What is the meaning of life? That’s one of the many questions that the Philosophy Club discusses every Thursday. Their objective is to create a community of students with philosophical interest and strengths in their personal perspectives. The club runs on a discussion based format where officers or club members present and engage in questions that challenge the natural way of thinking. The club president Michelle Holland encourages students to “come listen to big answers and even bigger questions”.

Pickleball Club | Monday–Thursday 10:30am-12:00pm, IT Courts | Instagram: @pccpickleball 

Are you in a pickle this semester? Join the pickleball club on the IT courts to de-stress and socialize with the community. The club provides students with all levels of experience the opportunity to learn and grow their skills with lessons and individual games.

They have a Google doc sign up linked on their Instagram.

Pi-Club | Tuesday 12-1pm, R-211 | Instagram: @pccpiclub 

The Pi-club offers opportunities for students to advance their skills and interest in a Mathematical or related field through events and preparations. Students are also welcomed to use their study nights, tutoring, and problem sets to prepare for personal classes. One upcoming event includes a two-day function filled with panels, workshops, and lectures for the annual celebration of pi day. Pi-club member Khant Naing emphasized the need for student representatives, so if you are looking to further your involvement then now is your chance!

Political Science Student Association (PSSA) | bi-weekly Tuesdays 12-1pm | Instagram: @pccpolisciclub | Discord

With the purpose to inspire and empower students, the newly founded PSSA offers various opportunities to learn and discuss current political and economic affairs. 

“It’s important for students to join because it is a dedicated space to freely discuss the current political climate,” said club founder and president Madalyn Lauterbach.

Upcoming PSSA activities include networking opportunities, political news workshops, debates, discussions, and guest speakers.

Pre-Law Club | First Tuesday of the Month 12-1pm, R-304 | Instagram: @pcc_prelaw | Discord

The Pre-law club’s goal is to offer students exposure and exploration on different legal fields. It allows students to determine what major and career is right for them. Club publicity consultant Elysia Shi stated they’re a “bridge of resources” with the countless opportunities and resources they offer students. Resources include exclusive field trips, shadowing days, internships, and professional advisors who teach or work in a paralegal program.

PCC Sociology Club | Bi-Weekly Thursdays 12-1pm, C257 | Instagram @sociologyclubpcc | Discord

A safe place where students can feel seen and empowered and can access resources that foster social development, equity, and social justice.

“We are all interconnected and make interpersonal decisions, come learn why.” Said co-presidents Donna Contrera.

QUEER Alliance | Bi-weekly Thursdays 12:00–1:00 P.M. C-325 | Instagram: @queeralliancepcc | Discord

Don’t forget to mark your calendars for upcoming events like blood drives and the Queer PROM on May 22nd.

“In these tough times, it’s important to protect and celebrate joy,” Tomas Morales said. “Remember, be out and be proud.”

Sketch Comedy Club | 2nd & 3rd Tuesday 4:30-5:30PM, CA-312  

A new club has arrived offering fun activities, games, free food, creative writing to develop funny original sketches.

“Come join us if you’re interested in comedy at all or food!” Said Isabella Hernandez.  

SOCIETY OF HISPANICS PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS SHPE | Bi-weekly Thursdays 12:00–1:00 P.M. IT-214 | Instagram: @shpe.pasadena | Discord

An empowering networking session for the minority community. Covering topics like resume writing, LinkedIn, professional workshops, and guest speakers. They mostly communicate in discord.

“Remember, it’s not just about what you know, but who knows you,” Caleb Cordoba said.

THE CLUB DE ESPAÑOL | TBD / Thursdays 2:30 P.M. | Instagram: @pcc.clubdeespanol 

Are you ready to have fun? Explore the language and culture, while practicing your English or Spanish with cooking activities, events and films in the community. At the moment they are still looking for a classroom to meet.

“It’s important to understand our cultures that are very diverse,” President Ari Villavicencio said.

The PCC Red Cross Club | Tuesdays 12:00–1:00 P.M. V-203 | Instagram: @redcross_pcc | Discord

The PCC Red Cross Club is a place to volunteer, donate blood, and support thrift stores. They often host an event for de-stress week at the end of each semester and provide a Lancer closet for clothing, blankets, and school supplies.

“Together, we can make a difference and spread joy!” Said Joy Chan, staff at the Red Cross Club.

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